CPT Codes That Require Direct One-on-One Contact
In this article, I will provide which CPT codes require the therapist or assistant have direct one-on-one patient contact in order to bill that CPT code to the patient for that visit.
According to the American Medical Association, CPT 2022, Professional Edition, the following CPT codes require direct one-on-one patient contact for physical and occupational therapy services:
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All material posted on our website is the intellectual property of Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc. and can’t be used, reproduced, or posted as your own material without the prior written approval of Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc.
This article is not intended to and does not serve as legal advice or as consultative services, but is for general information purposes only.
Our billing company is telling us that Medicare does not cover CPT code 97124 – massage therapy. Is that correct?
That would be incorrect.
Rick, the new website is great!
My question is about 97542 (WC Assessment). I’m noticing this is not on the above list as requiring direct one-on-one contact. I have an Optum 360 Coding & Payment guide (2020) and it does say that 97542 requires one-to-one interaction in order to be billed. How should I best navigate this?
Much thanks,
I would refer you to the CPT book and the complete description of 97542. That code does not contain “requires one-on-one direct contact”.
Is there specific documentation criteria that needs to be written down in your daily note when billing for 97530 to support it being billed and to get reimbursed?
Documentation would need to support the patient was performing dynamic functional activities and/or the simulation of activities.