2016 Therapy Updates
With a new year beginning in a few days, there is a new therapy cap dollar amount and new deductible for calendar year 2016 for Medicare beneficiaries. In addition, updates to the manual medical review process for claims exceeding $3700 have been implemented by the Medicare program. In this article, I will answer the following questions:
- What is the 2016 therapy cap dollar amount?
- What is the status of the therapy cap exception process in 2016?
- What is the 2016 Medicare Part B deductible?
- How does the 2016 Medicare Part B deductible impact the therapy cap?
- What is the manual medical review process for claims exceeding $3700?
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Did you have written out Q & A from the 2016 Therapy Payment Update webinar. I attended it and there were a lot of questions at the end as well as some that were not answered and I thought you produce a Q & A report following the webinars. Probably just not looking in the right place. Thanks Sarah
We do not do a written Q&A from our webinars.
Are there specific ICD-10 codes required for usage of KX modifier?