What is Considered a Patient’s Home
More and more physical therapists (PTs), occupational therapists (OTs) and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are establishing private practices that focus on seeing patients in their home for outpatient therapy services. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) does allow PTs, OTs, and SLPs to treat Medicare beneficiaries in their home as outpatients and pays for those services under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule just as CMS would pay if the Medicare beneficiary went to a private practice or other outpatient therapy setting (except for a critical access hospital who is reimbursed on a cost-ratio basis). However, what is considered a Medicare beneficiaries home? Is an assisted living facility considered a person’s home? Is an adult day center considered a patients home?
According to CMS, a Medicare beneficiaries home can be their
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Is an adult day care center considered a patient’s home per CMS?
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What would I have to do if I wanted to treat a Medicare beneficiary in an adult day care center?
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What POS does a OP Provider use when seeing a client in their sheltered workshop?
Not sure what you mean by a sheltered workshop.
Is it safe to assume that if you are credentialed with Medicare for physical therapy you are automatically eligible to provide “outpatient physical therapy” in the “patients home”?