UnitedHealthcare Updates 2021 Telehealth Policies
UnitedHealthcare (UHC) has announced that effective January 1, 2021, certain UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage and commercial plans will allow certain Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS)-eligible telehealth services when billed with the member’s home as an originating site.
For important information on changes to UnitedHealthcare’s commercial Telehealth and Telemedicine Reimbursement Policy as they pertain to outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy services, click
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On the Optima Summit, they discussed billing G2061, G2062 or G2063 telehealth.
Can you please help clarify appropriate use of these codes?
Thank you,
Kari Carroll,
Corporate Director of Compliance
Please search for articles on my website under Current News that discusses G2061, G2062 and G2063.
Good Morning
I have been on UHC website and I am not clear if this then means that they will or will not cover telehealth for those that bill on a 1500(there is notation about requiring the POS 02 on the UB04). Also the State of NH passed a law that telehealth will remain as it has for current providers and current reimbursement. Would that then allow for those in hospital based OP clinics billing on the 1500 be able to still provide and be reimbursed?
Thank you
Regarding any specific questions regarding state mandates and what that means to an insurance carrier in your state would need to be addressed to your state and/or state therapy association.