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Does One-on-One Only Apply to Traditional Medicare?

I receive many questions at my in-person seminars and via email that begin something like “I know we can’t have 2 Medicare patients being treated at the same time, but how about 2 patient’s with private insurance”? Or, “I know I need to be one-on-one with Medicare patient’s, but that does not apply to patients with private insurance, right”? Lastly, “I know if I have 2 Medicare patient’s in my facility for one hour during the same time period, I have to split the time between them, but if the 2 patient’s had private insurance, I could bill each for

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CPT Codes That Require Direct One-on-One Contact

In this article, I will provide which CPT codes require the therapist or assistant have direct one-on-one patient contact in order to bill that CPT code to the patient for that visit. According to the American Medical Association, CPT 2022, Professional Edition, the following CPT codes require direct one-on-one patient contact for physical and occupational therapy services: I hope you found this article informative. Thank you for being a Gold Member! All material posted on our website is intellectual property of Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc. and can’t be used, reproduced, or posted as your own material without prior written

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Double Booking Outpatient Therapy Patients: How to Bill Correctly

Previously, I wrote an article titled “Can I Double Book Medicare Patients“. If you have not had a chance to read this article, I would suggest you take a few minutes to read it as it will really help you in your practice and organization understand the rules and regulations regarding scheduling and billing of double booking Medicare patients. That article then led to other questions that I will address in this article. Questions I will answer in this article include the following: Can I double book 2 non-Medicare patients during the same time period? If I have 2 non-Medicare

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One-on-One: Does It Only Apply to Medicare?

I receive many questions at my in-person seminars and via email that begin something like “I know we can’t have 2 Medicare patient’s being treated at the same time, but how about 2 patient’s with private insurance”? Or, “I know I need to be one-on-one with Medicare patient’s, but that does not apply to patient’s with private insurance, right”? Lastly, “I know if I have 2 Medicare patient’s in my facility for one hour during the same time period, I have to split the time between them, but if the 2 patient’s had private insurance, I could bill each for

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