Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program
Lately, I have been receiving questions regarding Medicare beneficiaries who are dually eligible (have Medicare primary and Medicaid secondary) and are enrolled in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program. Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in the QMB program are also enrolled in Medicaid and get help with their Medicare premiums and cost-sharing.
What providers want to know is can they bill the Medicare beneficiary who is enrolled in the QMB program for the 20% co-insurance the Medicare program does not cover as well as any deductible the Medicare beneficiary has not met yet if the Medicaid program does not pay that portion? Below, I will provide answers to some of the more common questions and also provide resources where you can obtain additional information on the QMB program.
What is meant by “dually eligible beneficiaries”?
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What is the purpose of the QMB program?
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Do QMB billing requirements apply to beneficiaries enrolled in all Medicare Advantage
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If I am not enrolled in my states Medicaid program, can I bill the dually eligible Medicare beneficiary for their 20% co-insurance that traditional Medicare does not pay if they are in the QMB program?
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What if I have a Medicare beneficiary who is enrolled in the QMB program in another state; can I then bill the patient for their 20% coinsurance?
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Can I seek payment for Medicare cost-sharing for QMBs from State Medicaid Programs?
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How will I know if the Medicare beneficiary is enrolled in the QMB program
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How will the Remittance Advice reflect a Medicare beneficiary’s QMB status?
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If I am enrolled in the Medicare program as a non-participating provider, must I accept assignment on a claim for a Medicare beneficiary enrolled in the QMB program?
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Can a Medicare beneficiary enrolled in the QMB program elect to pay their Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, and copays?
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What can happen to me if I accidentally bill and collect monies from a Medicare beneficiary enrolled in the QMB program?
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Where can I find additional information on the QMB program
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Rick, does everything above apply exactly the same to DMEs?
Since a DME provider is considered a supplier, I would say yes.