Understanding the ABN for Outpatient Therapy Services

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This 1-hour online course will teach participants when they can and can't issue an advance beneficiary notice of noncoverage (ABN) to a Medicare beneficiary, how to complete the ABN form correctly and provide answers to many of the questions providers of therapy services have regarding the ABN.

Click below to learn more about the course objectives.

In college, therapists and assistants get very little education and training in the business and compliance aspect of outpatient physical, occupational and/or speech therapy services. If they do, it is usually limited to the basics of CPT coding, documentation and perhaps, some billing. In addition, many office managers and billing staff do not receive the proper education and training regarding when a Medicare beneficiary can be held financially liable for payment for outpatient therapy services. This online course will focus solely on the advance beneficiary notice of noncoverage (ABN) form and will answer the following questions regarding the ABN:

  • In what formats can I issue an ABN?
  • Can I use the ABN form for my Medicare Advantage patients?
  • Can I issue an ABN if I am not enrolled in the Medicare program?
  • When can I issue an ABN to a Medicare beneficiary?
  • When is an ABN not required to be issued to a Medicare beneficiary?
  • How does the annual therapy threshold and targeted medical review impact me issuing an ABN?
  • How do I complete the ABN completely and correctly?
  • If Medicare ends up paying me for the services I thought they would deny, how soon must I refund the patient?
  • When would I issue a voluntary ABN to a Medicare beneficiary?
  • What is the difference between Option #1 and Option #2 in Section G of the ABN form?
  • How does the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program that some Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in effect the completion of the ABN and my ability to collect payment from the Medicare beneficiary?

If you have questions about registration or logistics for this webinar conference, please contact the Webinar Conference Manager Michelle Gawenda


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