Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Therapy Update

March 27, 2020
Rick Gawenda

On March 26, 2020, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation announced they will temporarily expand the providers permitted to bill for virtual check in services and telephone services to check in with established patients. Telephone services include CPT codes 99371, 99372 or 99373. The virtual check in service codes include CPT codes 98970, 98971, and 98972. The virtual check-in
contact is usually made electronically through a patient portal. For purposes of this temporary policy update, the contact can also be made by email.

These code sets are currently billed by providers who can render Evaluation and Management Services. Under Policy Alert #2020-02, BWC extended the ability for licensed providers able to render psychotherapy CPT codes 90832-90838, to bill telephone services.

With this alert, BWC expands the use of the telephone codes and allows the use of the virtual check-in for the following providers:

• Physical therapists;
• Occupational therapists;
• Athletic trainers; and
• Speech language pathologists.

These codes are not billable if the services are not directly provided by the licensed provider, including when a physical therapy assistant or occupational therapy assistant, psychology intern, etc. is operating under the supervision of a licensed provider.

Click HERE to read the entire document that contains additional information on documentation, billing and reimbursement.

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