
Defining Your Compensation Structure In Today’s Environment

Please join us on May 7, 2025 as Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc. presents “Defining Your Compensation Structure In Today’s Environment“ online course. This 1.5-hour online course will uncover the key ingredients to developing a sustainable compensation structure in today’s environment to retain staff and increase transparency as a cornerstone of workforce retention. This online course is applicable to private practices and rehabilitation agencies that employ physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants and speech-language pathologists.

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Standard Registration for May 7, 2025 webinar "Defining Your Compensation Structure In Today’s Environment"

The "Standard Registration" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.
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Available Tickets: Unlimited

Additional Site Registration for May 7, 2025 webinar "Defining Your Compensation Structure In Today’s Environment"

The "Additional Site Registration" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.
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Playback Link Purchase for May 7, 2025 webinar "Defining Your Compensation Structure In Today’s Environment"

The "Playback Link" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.


May 7, 2025


Eastern Time Zone
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm




  • Scott Booher
    Scott Booher

    Scott Booher brings over 25 years of experience in the Healthcare Sector and has been specializing in human resources & workforce compliance for the past 19 years. Scott is the Chief HR Officer for Every Child Achieves as well as the Chief HR Consultant in collaboration with Wellness Works Management Partners which he oversees the fractional HR management program. Scott’s passion stems from the concept that human resources can be a cornerstone of how businesses function. Scott is passionate about unlocking the pain points in any private practice’s workforce and creating strategies and relationships that change the way outcomes are reached within the organization. Scott elevates the way that a private practice reaches milestones by connecting and solving problems that relate to human capital, policies and procedures, labor compliance, and employee culture. Scott is an active member of the Society of Human Resources Managers (SHRM) and is a pinnacle leader and collaborator in partnership with Brandon Seigel for over 10 years.

  • Brandon Seigel
    Brandon Seigel

    Brandon Seigel is a bestselling author, recognized private practice guru, and the President of Wellness Works Management Partners. Throughout his storied career, Seigel has empowered healthcare systems and private practices throughout the United States to streamline operations, build winning teams, implement effective business models, and ultimately transform archaic systems into innovative success. Seigel consults with hundreds of healthcare organizations and has built a revolutionary deconstructed MSO which is transforming the way healthcare is delivered.

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To register online with a credit card, purchase a ticket at the bottom of this page. The only way to register for this webinar is online with a credit card. We do not take Purchase Orders (PO’s) from any organization!

One registration allows as many people to watch and listen to the webinar on one computer.

Can’t Listen Live? Not a problem. Register for the webinar below; email us after the webinar stating no one from your organization logged in or called in to listen live. We will verify and send you a playback link of the actual live presentation and the handouts.

If you know you will not listen live; you do not need to purchase the playback link for an additional $49.95. If you will listen live and want the playback link, add on the playback for an additional $49.95. The playback link can be viewed on your computer as many times as you would like, and audio comes through your computer speakers.

The Playback link is emailed within 72 business hours after completing the webinar.

Over the last 5 years, the Bureau of National Affairs reported that over 11 Billion dollars are lost annually due to employee turnover. According to APTA’s Workforce Data, the industry is on track to have a shortage of 26,560 Physical Therapists by 2025. The Department of Labor projects the need for occupational therapists will grow much faster than average, with an 11% increase in employment from 2023 to 2033. In addition, the Department of Labor projects that employment for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) will grow at the rate of 18% from 2023 – 2033. This translates to about 13,700 SLP openings each year, on average.

Private practices are experiencing trends in employee morale declining, patients getting less attention, higher voluntary employee turnover, more mistakes occurring, and increased lawsuits. In addition, insurance reimbursements have been primarily stagnant or declining over the last decade, influencing higher productivity expectations.

In this online course, we will uncover the key ingredients to developing  a sustainable compensation structure in today’s environment to retain staff and increase transparency as a cornerstone of workforce retention.

If you have questions about registration or logistics for this webinar conference, please contact the Webinar Conference Manager Michelle Gawenda.


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