
Establishing Your Budget and Metrics for 2026

Please join us as Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc. presents “Establishing Your Budget and Metrics for 2026” online course on October 29, 2025 from 1:00PM – 2:30PM eastern daylight time. This 1.5-hour online course will teach you what metrics impact your budget,  what metrics you should track on a monthly basis, at minimum, and how to establish and track your budget for outpatient therapy services in 2026.

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Standard Registration for October 29, 2025 webinar "Establishing Your Budget and Metrics for 2026"

The "Standard Registration" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.
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Available Tickets: Unlimited

Additional Site Registration for October 29, 2025 webinar "Establishing Your Budget and Metrics for 2026"

The "Additional Site" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.
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Available Tickets: Unlimited

Playback Link Registration for October 29, 2025 webinar "Establishing Your Budget and Metrics for 2026"

The "Playback Link" ticket is Online registration for this webinar has closed. If you would still like to register for this webinar to listen live today, please call Michelle at 661-350-6187.. You can try another ticket or another date.


October 29, 2025


Eastern Time Zone
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm




  • Rick Gawenda | PT
    Rick Gawenda | PT

    Rick Gawenda, P.T., graduated in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Gawenda is currently the President and founder of Gawenda Seminars & Consulting, Inc. He has provided valuable education and consulting to hospitals, rehabilitation agencies, private practices, nursing homes, and his peers in the areas of CPT and ICD-10 coding, billing, documentation, reimbursement, and compliance as it pertains to outpatient therapy services as well as denial management and the appeals process for Medicare denied claims. Mr. Gawenda’s website,, provides a valuable source of information on rehabilitation rules and regulations, coding, documentation, and reimbursement.

    Mr. Gawenda is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and Michigan Physical Therapy Association (MPTA). Mr. Gawenda is the Past President of the Section on Health Policy & Administration of the APTA as well as Past President of the Michigan Association of Medical Rehabilitation Program Administrators.

    Mr. Gawenda is also the author of “The How-To Manual for Rehab Documentation: A Complete Guide to Increasing Reimbursement and Reducing Denials” and “Coding and Billing For Outpatient Rehab Made Easy: Proper Use of CPT Codes, ICD-9 Codes and Modifiers”.

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To register online with a credit card, purchase a ticket at the bottom of this page. The only way to register for this webinar is online with a credit card. We do not take Purchase Orders (PO’s) from any organization!

One registration allows as many people to watch and listen to the webinar on one computer.

Can’t Listen Live? Not a problem. Register for the webinar below; email us after the webinar stating no one from your organization logged in or called in to listen live. We will verify and send you a playback link of the actual live presentation and the handouts.

If you know you will not listen live; you do not need to purchase the playback link for an additional $49.95. If you will listen live and want the playback link, add on the playback for an additional $49.95. The playback link can be viewed on your computer as many times as you would like, and audio comes through your computer speakers.

The Playback link is emailed within 72 business hours after completing the webinar.

The vast majority of therapists and assistants did not go to college to either own a therapy practice or to manage a therapy practice or department. They went to college to become a therapist or assistant to work with patients who require therapy services. In addition, many therapists and assistants open a private practice or move into a management role with no experience and/or education in business. They are good at treating patients, but do not know how to read a P&L report, create a budget, understand what metrics to track and how often to track them, and when the budget is not achieved, why was it not achieved.

This webinar will teach participants what metrics should be tracked on a monthly basis as well as how to establish your budget for outpatient therapy services provided in calendar year 2026. Participants will also receive Gawenda Seminars & Consulting budget tracking documents in an excel format that can be customized by the participant to meet the needs of your practice.


If you have questions about registration or logistics for this webinar conference, please contact the Webinar Conference Manager Michelle Gawenda.


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