Chiropractors and Dentists Signing a Medicare Plan of Care
A question I often receive is can a chiropractor and/or a dentist sign an outpatient therapy plan of care for Medicare beneficiaries receiving outpatient physical, occupational and/or speech therapy services? The answer is
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Do you know if this has been updated since 2018? From what I can tell dentists are still not allowed to refer to therapy services?
Dentists can’t certify and recertify for outpatient therapy services.
Are there any changes to the definition of physicians to include chiropractors for Medicare purposes yet? Thanks!
I’m curious if dentists are now included? I found this in the Ch.15 document:
“For purposes of this provision, the term “physician” is limited to doctors of medicine; doctors of osteopathy; doctors of dental surgery or of dental medicine…”
No! Read Section 220 and the definition of Physician
Outside of Medicare and Medicare Replacement insured patients, can Chiropractors refer and sign off on plan of care for commercial insurances in the state of Ga.
You would need to check with your insurance carriers to see who they accept can write orders for outpatient therapy services.