2015 PQRS Changes
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has finalized their changes to the 2015 PQRS program for physical and occupational therapists in private practice. Besides changes in the number of measures that must be reported, CMS is also implementing the requirement that if a physical or occupational therapist in private practice sees at least one Medicare patient in a face-to-face encounter, that they must report on at least one cross-cutting PQRS measure. The changes to the 2015 PQRS program, in addition to a listing of the new cross-cutting PQRS measures, are summarized below:
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Do clinics that report per claims-based have to report on 6 or 9 measures?
The answer to your question is n my website under the “2015 PQRS Changes” article.
Point of clarificaiton on PQRS. Does this apply to critical access hospitals and is it different for outpatient or inpatient settings?
In the past, PT’s have had to report on falls. It is a 2 part measure. Are the falls measures still valid? Last year PT’s in private practice could only report on 6 quality measures, is that still true in 2015?
Fall measures are still valid. If submitting via claims, PT’s have a possible 6 measures to report on.
PQRS remains not available or required for hospital based PT /OT providers – Correct?
PQRS is for providers who submit therapy claims on a 1500 claim form.